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Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (Non Cert)
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The Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Master's level program will prepare teacher candidates to be certified to teach English language learners (ELLs) in public and private schools. This program prepares students to teach children and adolescents for whom English as an additional language. this program will lead to New York State TESOL PreK-12 teacher certification by offering two pathwasy to NYS teacher certification and a Master's of Science in Education (MSEd) degree with a concentration in TESOL. In addition, this program offers the MSEd degree with a concentration in TESOL to individuals not seeking NYS teacher certification but who are seeking the MSEd degree to work with English language learners (ELLs) in a range of public and private settings (i.e. community-based NGOs, etc.).
TESOL Non-Cert Track
The TESOL Non-Cert Track leads to Master of Science in Education degree with a concentration in TESOL. It does not lead NYS Teacher Initial Certification in TESOL. There are no additional admissions requirements for this track.