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Public History


Official Name of Program

Public History

Plan Code


Department(s) Sponsoring Program



Degree Designation

ADVCERPB - Advanced Certificate Post Baccalaureate



NYSED Program Code

38825 - PUBHIST-AC

CIP Code


Public historians bring history to general audiences outside of academia. Working in museums, archives, archeological sites, media organizations, corporations, government bodies, community groups, and many other places, public historians undertake wide-ranging professional activities that include museum curating, oral interviewing, archival collection, documentary making, and historical preservation.

This Advanced Certificate Program prepares graduate students for successful and rewarding careers in public history. Students enrolled in the program improve their academic expertise, enhance their historical knowledge, and learn professional skills and methods. Additionally, they gain invaluable practical experience working at one of the many cultural institutions, museums, archives, and historic sites in New York City.

The curriculum for the Public History Certificate consists of five 4-credit courses. It is designed for persons who want to commence or advance a career in public history and who already possess a BA degree in History or a related subject. The certificate can be taken by itself or in conjunction with the MA in History degree at CSI; students seeking to obtain the MA and Public History certificate simultaneously need to complete 36 credits in total.
